Monday, February 19, 2007

The library

I should really just stop borrowing books. I get most of the info I need from articles that are readily available through online databases my school subscribes too, but every now and then I'm just too tempted by some juicy piece of book I have to read. Often, the book is relatively rare making it expensive.

A few months ago I checked out 2 books. I renewed them over winter break, and they were due at some point in late jan/early feb. I just checked my school eMail account (an account I rarely look at since I have about 10K pages of eMails and well...suffice it to say I can't send anything from that account) and not only are those books late, I'M BEING CHARGED $100 PER BOOK. On Saturday I earned $120 snowboarding, and recently got a paycheck from one of my other jobs (i'm currently working 3). I'm trying to save up for a new computer; I really don't need these book fines.

There's nothing worse than getting excited over a paycheck only to realize you have to blow the whole thing and-then-some on bills. Well, no... plenty of other things are worse, like cancer, but I mean it's pretty frustrating. i guess working 3 jobs means this computer will happen eventually, but the sooner I can afford it the better. I'm planning on building it myself from components, and I've never done that before, so the project alone is kind of intimidating without the added frustrations of me being a flake with library books.

I mean, come on. The books are lying right there by my desk. Every evening I see them and think, "Fuck. Today should have been the day. It's late now, I don't wanna walk over, I'll do it tomorrow." They're going in my backpack pronto. Time to go to the library and plead with whoever is at the desk to cut back the fines. Otherwise I'm keeping those suckers (and losing some bank).


Ben said...

Access to the internet has caused many people to avoid using real books anymore. It’s hard to debate that a trek to the library is more convenient then simply going online. I wonder what the long term effects of convenience will be.

Dave said...
