Friday, July 27, 2007

my dogs are barking

so ben and I spent ald ay jsut wandering around sao paulo, and it was actually really cool. the morning started off early cause i ahd a job interview. they totally threw the job at me. in fact, i don't think i've ever had a job interview where i wasn't handed the job. then again my last jobs were snowboarding instructor, writing tutor... whatever. but yeah, the interview went great and so now i've officially got a job! start the day i get back even.

from there ben and i just hopped on a bus to go find the city. last night my uncle took us aroudn town after we treated him and his wife to a churascaria (brazilian bbq), so we had some idea what streets to check out. but as the bus got deeper into town, people aroudn us could tell we had no idea where we going. enter Ramony, this super cute chick who offered to get us to a metro station where we could get to a more itneresting part of the city. see, according to her, the downtown area we were headed to was full of boring old stuff we didn't wanna see. so she showed us which way to go and I got her number before she left, and well, the metro in SP is kinda silly. the city is basically split in half, one sides metro doesn't conenct to the other sides metro AT ALL. so the station we wanted to get to wasn't accessible from teh metro she took us to.

and so began our long day of walking. we ended up seeing a ton of the city because we jsut walekd through all of it. we waalked for about 5-6hrs, and finally around 5pm we got to the metro station we were originally trying to get to (Luz, where tehre are a few museums and junk). so we got there, bought a coupla drinks cause we were exhausted, and took the first bus we could find home, which took an hour. But hey, i'd rather have an adventure than see a museum anyday.

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