Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So last night I was up until 6am working on this powerpoint presentation for my biochem class. After I finished I knew I wasn't going to make it to class tomorrow anyway, so I decided to get high and watch some TV before bed. On a whim, I decided to watch the first episode o fthe second season of Captain Planet: mind pollution.

This episode is incredible. drop what you are doing, find some friends, get lit, and watch this NOW.

Assorted highlights:
- Leika becomes a crack whore
-a crackhead jumps through a glass window, lands face down on the floor and bleeds. pointlessness
- Kid ODs and instantly dies, accurate to reality
-Washington DC becomes overrun with crack heads. Also true to life.
-did I mention that drugs make people into zombies?
-"The drug made him do it!"
-"OK wheeler think: if you were a zombie, where would you be? The vice presiden't office!" (current vice president: Dan Quayle)
-"No! I've polluted MYSELF! No! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

1 comment:

Pyry Matikainen said...

The drug peddler looks like a caricature straight out of Nazi propaganda:

-Large Nose
-Pointy Fangs

I'm not sure that was the effect they were necessarily going for. I don't think I'm wrong about this either: look at the first picture on