Monday, April 30, 2007

Journal (or "ideas: pt.2")

So earlier today I was digging around the trunk of my car for a book when I came across a small notebook: a journal I decided to try to write in periodically a year or two ago. There are only a few entries in it, probably not even ten, but got dammaged. My car isn't exactly high-end, and water leaks into the trunk when it's wet out. I hadn't realized it until now (apparently I haven't even opened the journal since last summer) but since I left the journal in my trunk for months, it has been accumulating water damage. I don't think anything has become readable, but for a book I invested some emotion into I'm pretty annoyed I let this happen.

There was another book in the trunk that picked up water damage, a small pocket size notebook similar to what I described I was looking for in the "Ideas" post from a few days ago. At first I thought it was a travel log from one of my road trips x-country. When I opened it, all but the first few pages were empty, and most of the horizontal lines had been washed from the pages. What bothers me is that it could still be a travel log, just with all my entries washed out. That's just no good. A few days ago I came across another such travel log from my road trip home this summer. It hadn't picked up water damage because it was in the passenger compartment, but waws still in very poor condition from being trampled. I've gotta take better care of my memories; I have enough trouble holding onto them in my head, I need to cherish them after I commit them to paper.

At least I have that notebook I was looking for.

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